Philosophy and Science of Language

Terminology used in the study of Human Language[]

This is a collection of resources for the Philosophy and Science of Language discussion group.

useful resources[]

The Meta-Encyclopedia of Philosophy:
Compare topics in the most important Encyclopedias and Dictionaries of Philosophy on the Internet, such as the Dictionary of Philosophy of Mind


Linguistics is the scientific study of language. It contains several study areas:
1.syntax: how words combine to form phrases and sentences
2.semantics: how sentences are associated with meanings
3.pragmatics: how laguage is used to do things
4.phonetics: how the sounds of language are prodced and percieved
5.phonology: the way that language sounds vary in different linguistic contexts
6.morphology: how words are constructed in different languages
7.historical linguistics: how languages have changed over time
8.neurolinguistics: the study of how language is processed in the brain
(what are the representations and processes in the brain and the underlying neural mechanisms that contribute to normal language).


neuro- or neur- prefix

1.Nerve; nervous system: neuritis.
[From Greek neuron, sinew, string.]

As in:

Neurobiology, biological study of the nervous system or any part of it.
Neurophysiology, the study of how nerve cells, or neurons, receive and transmit information.
Nervous System, those elements within the organism that are concerned with the reception of stimuli, the transmission of nerve impulses, or the activation of muscle mechanisms.
The field of psycholinguistics merges overlapping interests from the studies of both psychology and linguistics. It is concerned with such topics as language acquisition by children, speech perception, aphasia, and neurolinguistics (language and the brain).


What aspects of human language use are instinctive?

See Also[]
